Miami Shoot

MSM Online

Health & Fitness, MSM Online


By Nadja Atwal In for the long haul or just a quick trip? Here is how to prepare … I guess we can already predict the words of the year for 2020: “Corona” and “Lockdown” will be in the top 5 for sure, no matter what happens next. Are you counting down the days until you fly to somewhere near or far (wherever they let you in without quarantine) or take that train to “anywhere but home”? Of course we love our own city, but too much of a good thing is also in the “too much “ category. While booking our trips most of us experience that new mix of positive excitement and volatile fear of the unknown. As a result we roam the net in search of gadgets and tools to keep us safer (from the virus). “People are looking very much for things like the perfect mask and sanitizers and that is all useful, but strengthening your immune system is also a vital key to staying healthy,” says medical doctor Stefanie Seyda who has been researching and working on immune supporting formulas. If you read about beneficial supplements on that front, Vitamin C and Zinc have been touted as must haves and must takes . Am I overlooking something? “ Indeed,” says Seyda “Vitamin D, folate and vitamin A and vitamin B6 and B12 have shown clear immune boosting effects in recent studies.” If you are looking for that new discovery that is being (rightfully)  hyped as a great inner shield against the virus, Seyda refers to the recent studies on resveratrol. Yes, that resveratrol that has been already touted as a great anti-aging agent which is being found in grapes and even red wine? “ Yes,” says Seyda, “but please, don’t let this knowledge lead you to the next wine bar now or fill your cellar with red wine. Alcohol intake is lowering your immune response. So stick to a good supplement for real benefits of Resveratrol”. Now as for new must have travel items: if you book a flight or train ride, you think about face masks. Especially for longer flights make sure it is not just protecting you but very breathable, as you may face many hours of wearing it. For a reusable option with a Vogue-ish fashion statement, check out En Avance, the multi-brand concept store showcasing global designers came to the Miami Design District in 2006 and has taken it by storm. Also remember that the virus can enter through the eyes and sadly too often does in places that many people share. So no matter what mask you choose, it should be worn with either a face shield or protective glasses that also protect the corner of your eyes – no just the front. For ladies the My Face Shield by Miami based fashion label Touchdolls is a great option and has a more colorful version for kids. When you board a plane, have the sanitizing wipes ready to give your arm rests and the tray ! A good disinfecting wipe down, unless you carry a tray cover like Airplane Pockets (which won the NTA ’s ” best travel accessory of the year award” 2019) A must have is a disposable seat cover like the disposable ones from Seet Cuvers are a steady companion in frequent flyer travel bags now. If you’d rather choose a reusable product, opt for the washable (and truly gorgeous) ones by NiceSeats Wherever this summer will take you, staying healthy and happy requires: staying safe.

Cover Stories, MSM Online

On the Rise and Never on the Fence : Cathy Areu

Interviewed by Nadja Atwal Cathy Areu is one of those people you must like ….even when you disagree with her. She carries herself well with that witty intellect and sassy charm. The daughter of Cuban immigrants grew up in Miami, graduated with honors from Miami Killian High School got her B.A. degree from Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL and received an M.S. in English Education from Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale. No wonder she landed that gig as a contributing editor for the Washington Post Magazine. The vibrant go-getter is also the founder of CATALINA magazine a top read magazine catering to the Latin demographic. It is also worth noting that she is one of PressReader’s international publishers. She has become a famous liberal commentator on TV – debating even the strongest conservative voices – including Sean Hannity. But as we mentioned, even when one disagrees with her, one can’t help but to like her, as she is okay, if you don’t see things her way. She simply wants to open your eyes to another point of view. On top of that, few Corona experiences were as highly publicized as hers (more in our interview, but we can already reveal, it was no picnic for Cathy). Now she is planning a whole new move: juggling wolves and swimming with sharks – aka…? Just read on. We spoke with her exclusively amid the post-Covid-19 opening of Miami.  You wear many hats. We see you as a passionate liberal political commentator on TV, then you also run a magazine. Tell us about your work.  I’m like most people in the media industry these days. I have to appear on more than one media platform to get my message heard. I started as a staff writer for my college newspaper, The Florida Flambeau, at Florida State University. And, eventually, like most print journalists, I went on to discuss my writing on national cable news channels.In the middle of it all, I made a life-changing decision, sold my car and moved to New York to create a company (catalina) and become an advocate for Latinas in the United States (my own demographic). I wanted to break stereotypes, and I have had to wear many hats to do it. You were to my knowledge the first prominent Floridian face of Corona. A sentence that stuck out to me was when you said “the virus finds your weakness” which is so individual. Tell us more about that and about your experience.   When the pandemic started, I was in South Florida in quarantine with my family, but I was still working. So when COVID 19 hit me, it hit me hard. I was sitting in front of bright stab lights when a painful migraine came out of nowhere. This was followed by the worst five days of my life! Even though my condition was considered mild to moderate, I experienced the worst headaches; my vision turned blurry for days; I couldn’t taste; my throat was sore; and I had chills and stomach and body aches. … All these symptoms are something I’ve experienced before at one point or another in the past, but not as painful and relentless. It’s like Covid gathered up all these weaknesses and threw them on me all at once.  I wasn’t sure if I contracted COVID-19 because, at the time, the only three symptoms listed were fever, cough and shortness of breath — and I experienced none of those! But my doctor here in South Florida broke the news: I was infected with coronavirus. Many weeks later, the CDC finally added some of the symptoms I had to their site, and it looks like the media continues to add new symptoms and findings everyday.  I believe my doctor here in Florida was the first to call it, “My Corona,” and I was the first one to consciously feel and say that coronavirus attacked me in a personal way. It zoned in on my worst weaknesses: migraines and headaches (non stop for 5 straight days). You have asthma but the virus seemed to ignore that…..? Weird, right? This asthmatic didn’t experience shortness of breath until day 5. That’s when my asthma started to bother me a little bit. I panicked  But, It turned out to be the final day of all my symptoms. I was finally able to go outside again for a run a few days after that. So refreshing. You have two daughters who also went through the virus – how have you communicated the whole Corona crises to them and how have they been dealing with it? I’ve been completely honest and transparent with them about it.  They know the media industry, and we talk about news every day. The coronavirus  was just another news topic, and they trusted me with the whole thing. They adjusted to quarantine quicker than I did, so there wasn’t a crisis in the house — it was more of an adjustment period of like three days. Like, creating a solid schedule for both of them and me really made everything about quarantine hassle-free.  But the kids didn’t understand the importance of my self-isolation, so they busted through my bedroom door and wanted to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek to “help me feel better” … so yeah, they got the virus too. Both of them were ill at the same time, with a quick fever, but otherwise, they had different symptoms from me and each other. They may not be indestructible or made of rubber, but my two girls did feel a lot better in just two days. You are in NY and Miami and said you got the virus in Miami. How did it happen? I have offices in South Florida and New York City, so I’m back and forth all the time. I was in Miami when my symptoms started though. But I’ve heard symptoms can appear up to 14 days after being exposed. So, first

Cover Stories, MSM Online

Being Great at Doing Good

  Interviewed by Nadja Atwal / Cover by Sean Pavone – Shutterstock During this unusual time in Miami we have been overwhelmed with new realities and news, of which most were sadly not positive – even though Florida has handled the crises better than most states. Naturally we are gravitating to messages of hope, help and encouragement. And unless we feel totally helpless, we desire to help others and often turn to charities for that matter. In a pool full of selfless service, several organizations stick out during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Blue Card is one of them… one that has earned lots of recognition and media attention lately. We sat down with the Executive Director Masha Pearl for an exclusive interview in order to learn more… You are all over the (good) news right now and your work has gotten the praise of many – including governors; what makes your efforts so remarkable in your view? The mission of The Blue Card is incredibly unique – we are the only national organization in the United States with the sole mission of aiding needy Holocaust survivors. We are a trusted agency with a strong service and operational performance history. In April 2019, we received a four-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest and most-utilized independent evaluator of charities. We are recognized with the Best in America Seal of Excellence from The Independent Charities of America. Furthermore, we are certified by the Better Business Bureau as having met all BBB standards and have been awarded the BBB Charitable Giving Alliance Seal and was named as one of the best Jewish charities since 2012. It is safe to say our work is unduplicated by any other agency and we are always reinventing ourselves to provide financial support through a number of carefully designed programs as survivors’ needs very greatly from person to person. Many people don’t know that there are currently tens of thousands of Holocaust survivors in the United States with a third living either at or below the federal poverty level. Last but not least we cater very much to the places where we are the most needed, like Miami-Dade. What a record! Now, in times like these have you noticed that people are acting less selfish and are motivated more to help others? Yes, tough times bring people together and makes one realize the importance of human connection. Giving back boosts happiness and “feel good” hormones. During such difficult times, those more fortunate want to give back and foster a connection with a Holocaust survivor. Now is a perfect opportunity to improve a survivor’s life and The Blue Card has created the following programs to do so. As an example, to combat isolation, The Blue Card is supporting survivors by undertaking a tribute video message program, giving volunteers the opportunity to submit a brief video to survivors: These videos, family and pet friendly, are a simple, yet meaningful way to remind survivors that they are cared for. We have received an overwhelming response from our support network and countless number of video messages have been distributed to survivors. The increase in for mental health support has been dominating the news as people feel lonely and overwhelmed and yes, we addressed that issue by providing culturally sensitive and language-friendly therapy sessions via telephone. These sessions and other opportunities for connection for our survivors is especially crucial at this time. What are you focusing on? Volunteers have been ordering and delivering groceries, as well as basic essentials for survivors during the crisis. We have come to rely heavily on Amazon, FreshDirect and other providers which allow for quick deliveries with no contact to ensure safety. Andy Cohen hosted your last event. tell us about your collaboration with him? Andy Cohen was a pleasure to work with. He graciously hosted The Blue Card’s 2019 Annual Benefit Gala and was so kind to have made a personal donation and promote us on his Sirius XM radio show and even invited our staff to his show on Bravo network: “Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen”. He was very charming and charismatic, and everyone absolutely loved him! At the gala, we honored our Young Professionals and when presented with their awards on stage, Andy was kind enough to take a selfie with the group. Which other celebrities or notable people have supported your efforts ? There is a wide range … from politicians like Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer to actors like Michael Douglas, Cynthia Nixon to top journalists and authors like Ronan Farrow and Rita Cosby. How can people in Miami help your efforts best? For the last 5+ years we have been partnering with the JFCS of South Florida to co-sponsor a team to participate in the Miami Marathon. “The Blue Card JFCS” Team participated in a Marathon to raise tens of thousands of dollars to benefit survivors in the Miami-Dade area. This critical funding allows us to provide much needed support through a number of various programs. The Blue Card has many prominent donors and a Board member, Benjamin Jaffe, based in Florida who serve as ambassadors for our time sensitive mission. Social Media: TheBlueCard/ TheBlueCard bluecard1934/

Cover Stories, MSM Online


Interview by Nadja Atwal / Cover Photo by Aubrey Chandler When Weronika Rogowska speaks, people pay attention. She is is not just stunningly beautiful, but communicates with a soft voice and great confidence while projecting humbleness and (self-)awareness. She has been modeling since the age of 17 and lived in all the key fashion metropoles from Paris and London to Milan and now New York. This plus her academic backgrounds with her degree in Psychology, make a not just worldly but very educated person to listen to. She has countless stories about the world from experience and anecdotes about people that mix well with her analytical, perceptive mind. While still in love with her model life, she has been able to create a parallel career as a life coach and mostly devices her time between New York and Miami. In New York she keeps expanding her academic horizon while Miami serves more as territory for inspiration. Pair that with her impeccable fashion style and her website plus her Instagram page – two platforms she uses which makes people’s lives better – and voila, you got one extraordinary influencer! When did you realize the desire for female influences that embody the combination of beauty and brains? I think being a female is a power in itself. All woman should realize the importance of developing her own potential. I want to teach women to never give up on their career. Princess Diana said smartly “People think that at the end of the day a man is the only answer. Actually a fulfilling job is better for me”. I love helping others and practicing positive psychology. What makes every woman beautiful is not physical appearance but passion and personality. Do you think the overflow of pretty people just posing has lead to the desire for influencers that have actually something to say? I think it’s a matter of choice. We all have something interesting to share but most of the influencers choose the easy way to exist in social media. They prefer just to pose in designer clothes and overuse photoshop. At the end of the day all of them look the same because there is no deeper philosophy attached to it. I’m trying to deliver value in whatever I’m doing. I believe in contribution and mental stimulation. If I’m able to help or inspire at least one person, then its a success. I’m against shallow, empty culture because I think it doesn’t motivate people but solely makes them more materialistic. Since you offer people guidance that is aligned with your academic background (psychology), what are the typical questions people are asking you ? They ask me about relationship advice, how to maintain positivity, how to accomplish happiness and inner peace. I’m trying to learn as much as I can so I can support people with useful advice. I see big power in team work and enhancing each other’s life. Sharing experiences and giving clues can save time and money. That’s why I’m working on a project that includes a special team of people who can help on a larger scale. As an influencer what is the main goal you have with regards to your impact on people’s choices or behavior? My main goal is to make people believe in themselves and love themselves so they can achieve whatever they want and make a difference in this world. I want to inspire others to be strong enough and brave enough to be who they are. Truth is hard to find in current times. Which people on IG do you follow that inspire and maybe even guide you through their posts and why? I follow motivational speakers, models who promote healthy lifestyle (like Nina Agdal), actors (like Charlize Theron, Reese Whiterspoon, Will Smith). I’m especially impressed by Reese Whiterspoon, as I admire her social activities and fight for woman’s rights. She impressed me with her campaign against domestic violence. People who stand out from the crowd and take action to change reality for the better are the most inspiring to me.

Fashion, MSM Online

Paris Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2020 with Corsair

Guy Laroche Fall/Winter Transform 20.21 collection  A beautiful expressed move. Guy Laroche Fall/Winter Transform 20.21 collection presented 12 vintage pieces. The idea of this collection was the contemporary transformation of vintage garments using exclusively the materials already available in the house.  The 4 new looks in beige symbolizing the renaissance, tell us about the recovery of their material.   Ingie Paris Fall/Winter 2020-2021 Ingie Chalhoub presented a chic-glamourous collection inspired in the 70’s (Jane Birkin vibe) for Fall/Winter 2020-2021: faux leather, fringes and sequins. Elegance and sophistication. The designer highlighted her admiration for 70’s female icons like Jane Birkin because it wasn’t about being only beautiful they had to have a big personality, bold, unusual and dramatic. Gorgeous collection!   Ryan Roche Fall 2020 Ready-to-Wear  Ryan Roche brought the show to Paris for the first time with an especially chic collection.  Tailored oversized woolen trenches, overcoats, cashmere sweaters and monochromatic looks. A Flawless and polished collection. Loved it!   Travel with Corsair For Paris Fashion Week, I partnered with Corsair airline to visit the City of Lights during this important time of the year for all the fashionistas. Months ago, Corsair launched the flight Miami – Paris, the best fares to visit Paris. Me and Vanessa (@vanessarosetilley) had an amazing flight on the Premium Class enjoying the benefits of the legroom extra space and amenities such as an especial menu and Corsair lounge. A luxury trip with Corsair!    

MSM Online, Traveler

Paris Travel Guide 2020

By Karen Huggins / @karenhuggins_blog Traveling to Paris is always a special experience and if you are traveling during Paris Fashion Week you have to do it French style. It’s a fun time to visit the city of lights if you love people-watching and feel sense of fashion in the air. I created this guide with things to do during this unique week; must-go places to “be part of the scene”: Where to stay The first time I traveled to Paris all my friends recommended hotels like Hotel Crillon, Ritz Paris and Le Bristol. They are historic luxury hotels and the epitome of Parisian style. For Paris Fashion Week I was traveling with a friend @vanessarosetilley and we selected this time a gorgeous boutique hotel, Lumen Paris Louvre, because of the location (superb, one block from Place Vendome and Louvre Museum) and details (they offer a different experience taking care of the customers with Hermes beauty products, Nespresso Machine in the rooms and special towels for makeup). Every day the breakfast is served at the hotel restaurant, intimate setting in the heart of Paris with a sunny terrace on warm days, and the glass canopy during the fall and winter. Lovely experience. For lunch/Dinner, Chef Akira Sugiura offers his delicious seasonal French-Italian-Japanese fusion cuisine. The matcha green tea tiramisu is a must. The room’s decoration is so chic and modern, the best part: the breathtaking views in the heart of Paris’s 1st arrondissement! Best option for a Truly Parisian Experience. Superb 🙂 Hotel Lumen Paris Louvre Breakfast Ritz Paris: upscale experience at the beautiful terrace. You will feel like royalty. Popular with celebrities. Hotel Le Bristol: Café Antonia offers a spontaneous side of Parisian life, where you can enjoy casual and elegant breakfast. Lunch Le Girafe: modern seafood menu and best option to enjoy amazing views of the Eiffel Tower. Oursin: New Jacquemus restaurant in Paris, Jacquemus, the fashion designer, teamed up with Kaspia to open his restaurant on the last floor of Galeries Lafayette Champs Elysées. A travel to the Mediterranean feeling Jacquemus design vibes. Hotel Costes: the legendary restaurant and bar are the places to see and to be seen. One of the top spots for locating high profile celebrities in Paris (Beyoncé, Jay Z, Mariah Carey, David & Victoria Bekham…). Tea Time Le Meurice: prepare to be dazzled by the master pastry chef Cédric Grolet (awarded for Best Pastry Chef in the World in 2018). You have to try his sculpted fruits and revisited pastries. Four Seasons George V: a fairy tale experience if you want to feel like a princess/prince. A sophisticated beautiful room and amazing tea time. Dinner Loulou: restaurant at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs at the heart of the Palais du Louvre. I love the intimate and sexy atmosphere of the restaurant. Balagan Paris: stylish cocktails and Mediterranean/Israel food with sexy atmosphere. New gem in town. Shopping Le Bon Marche: my favorite department store, founded in 1838. The most prestigious brands. Museum Visiting Louvre museum is always an experience, I try to do it every time I go to Paris. For Fashion lovers, you will enjoy Louis Vuitton Foundation and Musee Yves Saint Laurent Paris.

MSM Online, News & Entertainment

One On One With GiGi Diaz

She’s on your radio, leading networking events and speaking at summits everywhere. She’s GiGi Diaz, a Cuban born, iHeartRadio personality, serial entrepreneur and Mindset & Business Coach for women. The positive vibes she spreads with each professional hat she wears has earned the moniker of The Conscious Influencer and she lives up to it daily. GiGi Diaz is on air on 939MIA in Miami, Mia 92-1 in West Palm Beach and in multiple other markets throughout the United States. Her first business, a dance studio called GiGi’s Academy, was founded in 2003 right after she graduated from high school and was recently ranked Top 3 Dance Studios in its city. Her second business, Seizing Happy, is a Mindset & Business Coaching Program dedicated to teaching women how to tap into their inner happiness source to lead more empowered and purposeful lives. It offers networking events, one-on-one coaching, courses and workshops. We sat with this busy bee for a few questions and here’s what we learned. With all that you do, how you keep it all afloat? I can confidently say I am a time management queen! When I was much younger I literally worked myself into an urgent care. I was losing my hair, had break outs all over my skin, and while driving from one job to another, one day I practically lost my vision in the middle of the highway. It was really scary. To make a long story short, after getting checked out my doctor pretty much told me I was working myself sick. That day changed everything for me and taught me that no matter how passionate, driven, or eager you are to achieve the success you dream of, you need to put yourself first. I manage my time by listing tasks, then prioritizing them, then delegating what I can and giving myself a deadline to complete the tasks I keep for myself. Even though it looks like I’m doing 100 things all the time, I focus on only one big project at a time. What causes you stress and how do you overcome it? A lot of my stress comes from overthinking and uncertainty about what’s coming up. If I’m planning an event, launching a new course or workshop I tend to overthink and worry. I know this happens to a lot of people. Breathing is an instant stress reducer for me. When I feel the stress creeping I stop whatever I’m doing and do some mindful breathing. I inhale for 4 seconds, hold it for 3 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds. I repeat this a few times trying to make the exhale longer each time. This slows down my thinking, my heart rate, and allows me to step away from the stress to look at everything more clearly. I meditate every morning for a few minutes and I do it again every night before bed. This has helped me tremendously with clarity, anxiety, and unnecessary worry. Is there a mantra or quote that helps you thrive? Yes! I’ve been closing my shows with “la felicidad es una decision” for years! It translates to “happiness is a choice.” I feel that when your happiness is found within, no one and nothing can take it from you. When you seek joy in life and within yourself, instead of in outside influences, you own that happiness. It’s unshakable. I love affirmations too, I use them every day. I even made my own affirmations eBook to share with friends and it was such a hit I started offering it to clients too. What tip do you have for those people trying to launch a side hustle? I tell my clients this all the time: KNOW YOUR WHY. Why are you doing this? Whatever that answer is, ask WHY again, and again, until you get to the root of why you want to do this. Knowing your deepest reason why is what’s going to keep you motivated when you’re tired and disciplined when you fail (and, yes, you will fail, probably many times). Independence, financial freedom, and reasons similar to those are good, but go deeper. Way deeper. What is the biggest mistake people make when launching? There are so many! I have an entire episode of my Chats with GiGi podcast dedicated to this question! But I’ll go with the first that came to mind when you asked: investing in the wrong things. A lot of launching entrepreneurs spend a ton of money on website designs, business cards, and other aesthetic things. The most important investment to make when launching is in guidance so you avoid as many mistakes as possible. I have spent thousands on coaching and it’s exponentially grown my business. The other investment I think that is very important is delegating! You need to spend your time creating and SELLING, not worrying about the daily tasks of entrepreneurship. I know investing in these things sounds like a luxury to many, but it’s my expert advice, what has worked for me and what works for other successful entrepreneurs. Talking to GiGi was a treat. She’s passionate, energetic and in love with what she does. You can find her on Instagram as @GiGiDiazLIVE, learn more about her at and listen to her on 939MIA, Mia 92-1, RUMBA and on the CHATS with GiGi podcast on the free iHeartRadio app.

Fashion, MSM Online, Shows & Events

NYFW Part 2: Badgley Mischka Fall 2020 show and Rebecca Minkoff

  By Karen Huggins If I had to choose a Fashion Designer that represents my child dreams would be Badgley Mischka. As a kid always dreamed about princess dresses like Cinderella, and Badgley Mischka knows how to make you feel like a princess. I was honored to be invited to attend Badgley Mischka Fall 2020 runway presentation. A dream come true watching the amazing fabrics and beaded appliques in front row. The looks were groundbreaking; glamour inspired by British influences including exaggerated sleeves and belts tightly cinched at the waist. I loved the embellished dresses and bow details that provided a classy bit of romanticism. Congratulations for the amazing collection Mark Badgley and James Mischka. Rebecca Minkoff presentation was a rainbow playground. She presented the spring 2020 collection ready to buy. The concept of this collection was “Women are complex creatures” so models represented kids, teenagers, moms to be and moms; a transition into womanhood. Rebecca promoted a beautiful message about women power with symbols on hoodies and graphic tees. A colorful and happy collection including sustainability as a key point. Follow me on instagram @karenhuggins_blog

Fashion, MSM Online

New York Fashion Week by Karen Huggins

  Can’t believe we are now in February and it is time for New York Fashion Week. The time is going so fast! New York Fashion Week is a very special time for fashionistas and fashion insiders. Trying to build out a detailed schedule and calendar that keeps us on our toes and allows us to maximize the time in NYC, squeezing in as many shows and attending as many events and meetings as possible, it is not an easy task but I love it ? I was so glad when I received the invitation to Vivienne Hu show. The Fall 2020 collection by Vivienne Hu was beautiful and timeless. I felt in love with the puffy coats and jackets in earth colors; in varying shades of chocolate, beige, whiskey, cinnamon, rust, and everything in between, brown was everywhere. I will be happy to adopt this earth-toned wardrobe for Fall 2020. I also would like to highlight from this collection the sophisticated and colorful coats. One of my favorite options to make a statement with my outfits is with an statement coat and Vivienne Hu knows how to do it! Relaxing during New York Fashion Week is VERY important, I have to thank Innside New York NOMAD by Melia for all the attentions and for making me feel at home. I really enjoyed the spacious guest-room with stylish and contemporary interiors including lot of room for my clothing which is essential during fashion week season. The Hotel is located on Chelsea/NoMad neighborhood, close from the shows and great restaurants. It was a pleasure enjoying The Freedom Tower and Downtown Manhattan skyline views. Teddy loved the Pet Menu at the restaurant (his favorite was the chicken breast with vegetables ? ) and the cute dog bed at the room. Follow me on instagram @karenhuggins_blog

Events, LIFESTYLE, MSM Online


From the big game to big yachts, Miami furthers its allure as a destination for world-class events as the 32nd Annual Miami Yacht Show pulls into port Presidents’ Day Weekend with over 400 extraordinary and uniquely designed new and pre-owned yachts on display, including 15 spectacular, must-see new debuts.   Renowned as Magic City’s premier luxury yachting event, the Miami Yacht Show and its Superyacht Miami site showcase superyachts from the world’s foremost custom boat builders across three marina sites, transforming Downtown Miami’s waterfront into a yachting enclave.   The 2020 show will unveil some of the year’s most striking and luxurious new yachts, including the U.S. debut of SilverYachts’ 278-foot BOLD, the show’s largest superyacht; the world debut of Hatteras Yacht’s highly anticipated GT65; and the world debut of Monte Carlo Yachts’ MCY 70 Skylounge, the first model of the new MCY Collection, among others (full list below). Azimut Yachts will also showcase 18 yachts, including three U.S. debuts – the Azimut 78, Azimut S8 and Azimut Grande 32 Metri – as well as the world premiere of the Azimut Verve 47.   Expanding its international portfolio, which includes luxury yacht builders and brokers from over 32 countries, the Miami Yacht Show will welcome yachts from new exhibitors this year, including Australia’s largest luxury boat builder Riviera Yachts; Dubai-based Majesty Yachts, and Taiwanese shipyard Horizon Yachts. Italian shipyard Invictus Yacht is also making its U.S. debut at the Miami Yacht Show, introducing Invictus Yacht USA and the U.S. debut of its GT370 model at its first American boat show.   Miami Yacht Show’s Superyacht Miami, located on Island Gardens Deep Harbour Marina on Watson Island, which can accommodate yachts up to 400 feet, will be transformed into an exclusive destination displaying show-stopping mega yachts such as BOLD; 248-foot BELLA VITA by Lurssen; 163-foot MISS MONEYPENNY V by Overmarine; 164-foot HOSPITALITY by Westport Yachts; 161-foot HUNTER by Trinity Yachts; and 154-foot USHER by Delta Marine.   Other superyachts displayed at the Miami Yacht Show will include the 163-foot THUNDER YACHT by Oceanfast; the 100-foot RUTLI E by Benetti; and the 100-foot Mb3 by Hargrave. Miami entrepreneurs Norman Braman and David Grutman will also showcase their yachts at the show, including Braman’s 175-foot KISSES and Grutman’s 81-foot GROOT, which has hosted many of Hollywood’s most recognizable celebs. With more than 15 new yachts at this year’s show; here is a small look at what’s debuting:  BOLD | SilverYachts | U.S. Debut BOLD is the fifth, largest and most recent superyacht by Australia’s premier luxury yacht builder SILVERYACHTS, harnessing the world’s leading fuel efficiency, and technical supremacy, defined by her predecessors. Working in collaboration with renowned yacht designer, Espen Øino, Silver Yachts showcases the unique flexibility of their efficient platforms. BOLD reveals aggressive styling, expansive interior and exterior spaces. 48 Wallytender X| Ferretti Group & Wally | World Debut Hot on the heels of the world debut of the exciting new 48 Wallytender this autumn, Wally with Ferretti Group will reveal at the upcoming Miami Yacht Show the first unit of a new, fully powered outboard version of the cutting-edge Wally day cruiser. Combined with a dependable hull design and a light carbon fiber construction from the in-house experts at Wally and Ferretti Group, the result is impressive: high top speeds and very low consumptions for extended range. Preliminary sea trials have indicated maximum speeds in excess of 55 knots and a cruising speed of 40 knots with a range of 320nm. Azimut 78 | Azimut Yachts | U.S. Debut At 23.60 meters in length (77 feet) and with a beam of 5.75 meters, the Azimut 78 is bringing futuristic design and ultra-modern technology as the new flagship in the Azimut Yachts Flybridge Collection. The ultra-innovative Azimut 78 is part of the Carbon-Tech generation and the first Flybridge to be fitted with three Volvo IPS propulsion units. Alberto Mancini, who designed the sleek, futuristic exteriors, and Achille Salvagni, the creator of the sophisticated interior design, took up and won the challenge thrown down by the Shipyard to achieve the perfect balance between ever more dynamic lines and ever larger volumes. The yacht’s layout offers the utmost comfort and privacy, with the clear separation of crew and guest flows, and a highly versatile day area to meet the needs of contemporary owners. Azimut Grande 32 Metri | Azimut Yachts | U.S. Debut The Azimut Grande 32 Metri is avant-garde in every sense, not least because of the multiple unprecedented solutions that establish its right to a prominent position as one of the world’s most advanced and modern superyachts, or the advanced naval platform that is packed with technology: the combination of Carbon Tech, D2P® hull and wave piercer (which increases the length at the waterline by 1.8 meters), results in peerless consumption efficiency. For tickets and official site:

Health & Fitness, MSM Online

UNKNWN and NIKE team up with the talented women of Miami for Super Bowl LIV Weekend in Wynwood

  Mirroring the electricity of Super Bowl LIV as it descends on Miami, FL, UNKNWN debuts a one-of-a-kind experience in partnership with Nike at UNKNWN’s recently opened flagship store in Wynwood. Co-founded by LeBron James, Jaron Kanfer and Frankie Walker Jr., UNKNWN was created to be a platform for the community using fashion, sport, art, and culture. Collaborating with a talented collective of powerful women who call Miami a source of inspiration, UNKNWN Wynwood will be transformed into Nike’s ‘Future is in the Air’ to celebrate women over the weekend of sport. The multi-sensory experience, “created by women for everyone,” will also be the perfect launching pad for Nike’s women’s exclusive shoe: The Air Max Verona. The event will celebrate the global arrival of the sneaker with an exclusive colorway, which will be exclusively sold at UNKNWN over Super Bowl weekend. Below, check out a full schedule of events (open to the public) happening this weekend, from customization workshops to Fit club training classes, all taking place at UNKNWN Wynwood.  Exclusive Accessory Design Workshop by Artist Andrea Bergart Thursday, January 30, 2020 4:00PM – 6:00PM Always a destination for limited edition fashion, UNKNWN has invited New York City based artist, designer, and basketball player Andrea Bergart (@andreabergart) to host a workshop where attendees will customize a new accessory, a football coin purse inspired by Nike and UNKNWN from footballs as keepsakes for the weekend. Bergart’s inspiration stems from her involvement in fashion and the Downtown Girls (all-women) Basketball community where she creates basketball handbags, paintings, and solar prints highlighting WNBA players and basketball culture. Bergart’s basketball bags continue to garner praise from WNBA players, NBA and NFL wives, celebrities, stylists, influencers and confident consumers from New York to Tokyo. This Thursday guest will enjoy this a hands-on design workshop with Bergart where self expression will be the only necessary skill required.  Sign up to attend here: UNKNWN Fit Club Hit Session Featuring Elise Caldwell of DBC Fitness Friday, January 31, 2020 10:00AM – 12:00PM Through the support of co-founder LeBron James’ sports nutrition company, Ladder, the inaugural team of instructors for UNKNWN FIT CLUB will be a group of inspiring women from the Miami well known fitness scene. Powered by Nike, UNKNWN FIT CLUB will kick-off the morning with a football inspired class on the new exclusive UNKNWN 6000 sq. ft football mural in the courtyard painted by artist Jessy Nite. Beginning this kick-off will be a workout class from Elise Caldwell of Wynwood’s DBC Fitness (@elise_dbcfit). Sign up to attend here: Exclusive Floral Design Workshop With Bodega Rose Friday, January 31, 2020 2:00PM – 3:30PM & 4:30PM – 6:00PM Happening for two time slots, UNKNWN has invited artist, designer, and landscape architecture of Bodega Rose, Olivia Rose (@bodega.rose) who will work with attendees on customization for planters inspired by Nike, UNKNWN, and the NFL. Rose’s work is informed by natural plant life, introducing horticulture to art, fashion, and performance. Sign up to attend here: Vinyasa Yoga Flow Session Featuring Cristina Ortega Saturday, February 1, 2020 10:00AM – 12:00PM Following Elise’s Friday class, attendees will then enjoy a Saturday UNKNWN FIT CLUB session with yoga instructor Cristina Ortega (@highonyoga) who fell in love with yoga in 2012. She’s been able to use yoga a way to heal herself through her practice, whether it be a “heartbreak” or just “life,” she has understood the meaning and importance of the need to heal. Ortega’s hope is to inspire others to try yoga and implement it as a way of living. Her message to the world is: “You are capable, you are strong, you are love, you are everything you need to be and more. You are enough.” Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner, you are in for a mindful Vinyasa class with power yoga fusion. Sign up to attend here:  

MSM Online, Shows & Events

MIAMI 2020 Calendar of Events

We at Miami Shoot Magazine wish you and your families great health, happiness and prosperity in 2020! Check out our Miami 2020 calendar of events that you may want to consider attending throughout the year. Yr. 2020 JAN 01-05      ROALD DAHL’S CHARLEY and the CHOCOLATE FACTORY at Adrienne Arsht Center JAN 02            MIAMI HEAT VS. TORONTO RAPTORS at the American Airlines Arena JAN 30-           BUD LIGHT SUPER BOWL MUSIC FEST at the American Airlines Arena FEB 01 JAN-DEC        ON GOING EXHIBITS at Pérez Art Museum Miami  FEB 02            SUPER BOWL LIV at the Hard Rock Stadium FEB 14-18       MIAMI INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW at the Miami Marine Stadium FEB 20-24      SOUTH BEACH WINE and FOOD FESTIVAL in Miami Beach MAR 18-31     MIAMI OPEN in Key Biscayne MAR 27           JULIO IGLESIAS JR TIMELESS at the Flamingo Theatre Bar in Brickell MAR 29- APRIL 01        ULTRA MUSIC FESTIVAL location TBA MAY 25-26     MEMORIAL DAY AIR and SEA SHOW in Miami Beach MAY 30           ELTON JOHN at the American Airlines Arena JUNE 21          SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS VS. MIAMI MARLINS at Marlins Park JULY 11-16     MIAMI SWIM WEEK in Miami Beach AUG 01-30     MIAMI SPICE (Various participating restaurants across Miami) AUG 17           COCONUT GROVE FOOD & WINE FESTIVAL in Coconut Grove’s Regatta Park AUG 30- SEP 02            HOME DESIGN & REMODELING SHOW at Mana Wynwood Convention Center SEP 27-29      WYNWOOD’S OCTOBERFEST Presented by Samuel Adams in Wynwood OCT 19-20     SOUTH FLORIDA SEAFOOD FESTIVAL at Miami Marine Stadium OCT 31           HALLOWEEN ON THE MILE in Coral Gables NOV 01-10     MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AUTO SHOW at Miami Beach Convention Center NOV 23          VIZCAYA BALL at Vizcaya Museum & Gardens DEC 04-08     ART BASEL, DESIGN MIAMI at Miami Beach Convention Center DEC 02-06     RED DOT ART FAIR, SPECTRUM at Mana Wynwood Convention Center *All information deemed accurate with no guarantees. Subject to change without notice.  

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