Miami Shoot

The Issue

The Issue, Traveler

Travel for Self-Discovery

By Dawn Wilson You may sometimes feel as though life is simply passing you by and instead of living, you are simply existing. When you get to a point in your life where nothing brings you happiness or even contentment, it may be time for an Eat, Pray, Love moment. In the movie, Eat, Pray, Love, it was all about finding meaning and purpose in life again. This can be done in a variety of ways, however; the character in the movie removed herself from her normal surroundings and set out on an adventure that eventually gave her exactly what she needed. Each location on her journey had meaning and purpose. Rome, Italy Rome is the capital of Italy and is located in central Italy. The Vatican City is also located in Rome; this is why it is often referred to as being a capital with two states. Rome is known for its mythological history. However, in recent years, it is the culinary scene that keeps tourists coming back. Perhaps the character in the movie came to Rome for the food or perhaps to see the passion for which the food is prepared. There is nothing like experiencing the real culture of a city by taking “the road less traveled.” Hire a local to take you where you’ll find the best gelato, pizza, pasta, bread, olive oils, cheeses, need I go on? With the variety of foods that Rome has to offer, who couldn’t easily lose themselves. For more information, please visit Sacred Ashram in India Hindi gurus in India live in ashrams. An ashram is a sacred place of healing and reconnecting. They are usually located far away from the city center, deep in the mountains or forest where there is peace and tranquility, limiting distractions. An ashram is generally open and airy; designed to allow the perfect amount of light in to illuminate throughout the space. Do not for one second think that visiting an ashram is a vacation. You are only allowed to bring your necessities. The overall objective is to connect with your spiritual side. This is done through a strict schedule of daily chanting, meditation, yoga and teaching/learning seasons. Personal time is allowed for exercise, writing or reflecting. Visiting an ashram is a great way to refocus on what brings you the greatest happiness. For more information, please visit Bali, Indonesia Bali is an island of Indonesia and is the largest tourist destination in the country. It is considered by many to be an enchanting paradise island. With its Mediterranean temperatures and long days, travelers have good reason to visit Bali. Romance is rampant on the island because of its majestic beauty. Visiting Bali is like a fairytale within itself. You just need to write the script. There are exquisite arrangements of flowers and bountiful fruit, lavishly displayed. In the evening, there are captivating performances, which reflect the culture and history of the Balinese people. There is no doubt that time spent in Bali easily allows you to let your walls down; leaving you feeling stronger and renewed. For more information, please visit Click here to view this post in the July/August digital issue. Click here to view our online issue.

Arts, Culture, The Issue

Valli Art: The Unconventional Gallery

By Michèle Bigler Photography Courtesy of Valli Art Gallery A new art gallery has popped up not too far from the Wynwood Walls, contributing to the continuous flourishing of a neighborhood that used to sport gray walls and run down buildings and is now an explosion of talent and color. In the past decade, Miami has undergone an astonishing transition that curators, artists, critics and enthusiasts are reveling in. Aside from the socialites, wine and “aperitifs” served at the Valli Art Gallery opening on Thursday, June 4th 2015, the work of five clever artists were exposed, all of which seemed to demonstrate a keen interest in human relationships and the incorporation of mixed media. The expo welcomed aficionados with two resplendent images by the Argentinean native Nina Surel and her ode to “sisterhood.” Her paintings set the tone of the pieces on display, by incorporating an escape from the traditional barriers of the canvas and embracing plastic techniques, which fundamentally create a commendable topography. The integration of assorted materials as a reference to identity and our times is most likely one of the defining physiognomies of our era. Surel herself has been quoted saying that “the characters embedded in these scenarios always precisely indicate an identity that lies half way between fiction and my flesh and blood, between mythology and autobiographical reality.” Subsequently, three portraits of women obfuscated by neon lights followed Surel’s “Fridaesque” and yet Grecian manifestations in the Javier Martin collection, which obligated the spectator to take a closer look of the models and perhaps see past the mainstream definition of beauty. The interference of the light screams at the onlooker pleading for further contemplation all the while signaling to our dependency on light and energy. Thereafter, a further awareness of the technologies that we take for granted came into play in Fabrizio Corneli’s installations; a series of strategically placed geometric shapes that come to life at the push of a button. It is thanks to the radiation of light that his pieces truly take shape and overshadow the more traditional paint on a white surface approach. He revolutionizes the canvas and gives art an innovative form of mobility and ultimately broadens habitual dimensions. Corneli’s shadows were consequently followed by the colorful geometric visions of graffiti artist Kenor, whom the Valli Art website identifies as “a self-confessed extraterrestrial, a born performer, Kenor’s organic, kaleidoscopic productions are geometric representations of sound and movement, visual interpretations of music and dance in two-dimensional form.” The poetic rendition of the man behind radiant hues truly captures the essence of Kenor’s abstract pieces. The show’s rendition to artistic multimedia integration would not have been complete without Olga Andrino’s canvases, which were a return to the topographic style introduced by Surel’s paintings. In spite of the similarity in the dimensions that both artists merge into their work, Andrino steers free of the overindulgence of color and truly exploits red and white tones provoking a somber anonymity to the figures in her work. This is particularly visible in “Muchedumbre” a piece that features wire, paper and newspaper and reminds one of the famous Ezra Pound haiku, “In a Station of the Metro”: The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough. Conclusively, the opening was a respectable start to what will contribute to the cultural growth of the Wynwood area. Its founding exposition accomplishes a poised and sensitive rendition to multimedia art and its producers. Ultimately, the Valli Art Gallery seems to pride itself on the promotion of artists’ careers identifying as “more than an art gallery,” perhaps a safe haven for painters and the like to explore, create and realize ideas. For more information on the Valli Art Gallery, please visit Click here to view this post in the July/August digital issue. Click here to view our online issue.

Tech, The Issue

Profile Picture Do’s & Don’ts For Men & Women

Dating App Advice from the Founders of MiCrush: Sonya Kreizman & Natasha Nova Dear men, if you are looking for that perfect girl to crush you on MiCrush, then follow these 5 tips to create the most swipe-worthy profile! DON’T post a picture of you and another girl. Is that your girlfriend? Was it your girlfriend? We get it, you have pretty girl friends. DO post a picture with your mom, this makes us want to swipe to the right fast! DON’T post a picture of you with other guys. Which one are you? Your friend is hot, can you introduce me to him instead? DO post an action shot! It’s sexy to see a guy doing sports! DON’T post mirror selfies, especially shirtless in a bathroom. That’s just creepy. Dear ladies, we’ve seen way too many bad dating profile pictures! Follow these 5 tips to get the right guy to swipe your profile to the right! Remember, your profile pictures should be all about showing the best you! DON’T post a picture of you and a group of girlfriends. You wouldn’t want a guy to swipe right just so you can introduce him to your beautiful friend, now would you? DO post a full-body image! Guys are onto you if all you upload is pictures from the waist up and of your face. Be proud of your body and show it off! DON’T post pictures with your ex-boyfriend or some random guy. If those pictures get automatically imported from Facebook, remove and replace immediately! DO post pictures of your radiant and beautiful smile! Look happy and positive, Mr. Right is going to crush you soon! DON’T post pictures of you with too many drinks at a party or looking scantily clad. You might attract the wrong type if he suspects you are a party girl! For more information on MiCrush, please visit Click here to view this post in the July/August digital issue. Click here to view our online issue.

Beauty, The Issue

A Vanity Fair at Vanity Projects

By Gisel Habibnejad Photography by Gesi Schilling If you’re looking to spice up your style, this summer is the one to take that chance. However, there is no need to look any further than your very own fingertips. The latest craze in beauty is without a doubt nail art. Whether it’s trying a new bold color or simply adding an accented topcoat, nail art comes in different forms and variations. Luckily for Miamians, the leading nail art company has finally made its big move to our city. However, Vanity Projects is no stranger to our beloved city. If the name sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because they have actively participated in Art Basel Miami for the last 3 years. Not only that, they also did the models’ nails for the Mara Hoffman Swim SS15 presentation last year. Vanity Projects combines a high-end nail atelier with contemporary art videos – talk about nail art. While the first location is in New York, they decided to open their second atelier at the ever evolving in fashion and style – the city of Miami. “Miami is a perfect city because it is equally part culture, fashion, and lifestyle centric,” says founder Rita de Alencar Pinto. “I love Miami, it is a city on the rise and I believe my brand will be very successful here.” Just like our Magic City, their style is always growing and changing, as they are constantly hosting international nail artists to test their creativity within their very walls. Hailing from several fashion capitals of the world, such as Tokyo, Paris, London, Barcelona, Singapore, and Melbourne, these nail artists work on rotation for a limited time at Vanity Projects. This summer, you can expect Britney Tokyo, Spifster, Gina Oh, and Sophy Robson to take over the atelier and transform your mani/pedi experience. While they are usually the main attraction, it is the resident artists who keep clients coming back for more with their high expertise in nail art with Japanese gel. What really sets this nail salon apart from the others is the combination of fashion, culture, and art successfully working in harmony with one another. That 1 hour and 30 minute nail session goes by fast when watching videos hand-picked by the creator of Vanity Projects herself. As a curator, Rita also invites other curators across the globe to create edgy, contemporary art to be displayed on the screens of the atelier. The programs are always changing as they switch-up every 6-8 weeks, so as a loyal client you’ll never miss a beat. Dior, Floss Gloss, RGB, Smith & Cult, and Trust Fund Beauty are the typical brands you’ll see on the shelves. What about Rita’s favorite trends this season? “Nude with a twist is what we are calling the hottest trend in nail art this summer. Neutral colors have been a huge trend over the winter and into summer; white tribal looks or Coachella inspired turquoise on a nude background feels chic and fun at the same time,” shares the enthusiastic art lover. With future plans on the horizon, like performance art programs to accompany the videos, clients can always expect the latest in nail and art at Vanity Projects. For more information on Vanity Projects, please visit Click here to view this post in the July/August digital issue. Click here to view our online issue.

Entertainment, The Issue

My Miami: America Olivo

Photographed by Russell Baer America Olivo is a true multitalented artist, where education meets seemingly endless creativity. After earning a bachelor’s degree from the opera theatre program at The Juilliard School in New York, she landed a job opening for Ricky Martin in China. During this time, along with three friends, she formed a Spanish/English pop band, called Soluna and signed a multimillion dollar record deal with DreamWorks Records/Universal Music Group. For 6 years, Soluna toured the U.S. and Latin America performing with Enrique Iglesias and Mark Anthony. In the last 10 years, she has appeared in 40 television episodes, 16 films, and several on-stage performances. When she’s not performing, she and her husband, Christian Campbell, produce live shows, web, and television series. America Olivo currently recurs on Chicago P.D., Defiance, and Degrassi: The Next Generation. She can also be seen in the upcoming Mission: Impossible–Rogue Nation with Tom Cruise. She and her husband have recently established a production company named EsoteriCam Productions. They are both spokespeople for Baby Quest Foundation, which provides grants to prospective parents who need financial assistance to create a family when they can’t “naturally” do so. When in Miami you may catch me… Having lunch in Coconut Grove or shopping at vintage boutiques on Biscayne Boulevard. The biggest misconception about Miami is… That it’s just a big fashion show centered around superficial, body conscious beauties. I prefer to think of Miami fashion as body “unconscious” that encourages people to be free, courageous, and unreserved. The last restaurant I enjoyed in Miami was… The Terrace at the SLS South Beach Hotel. It reminds me of being at an Italian cafe in Lake Como, where my husband and I were married. I’m a sucker for pancakes and their Olive Oil Mini Pancakes are to die for. What surprised me most about Miami was… That you don’t really need to pack a lot. It’s always a freeing feeling to let go of my black clothing and leggings, and trade them in for vibrant colors, flowing fabrics, and bathing suits. I’m also often surprised by how fast Miami natives make me feel comfortable every time I visit. Aside from the weather, the best reason to return to Miami is… My husband and I usually attend the week long Burning Man Festival in the Black Rock Desert. Miami shares some amazing qualities with this festival such as: self-expression; the sense of living in the moment rather than that rat race rush; the feeling of community; and the importance of music, dancing, art, and culture rather than business. The first time I became really curious about Miami was… I was obsessed with La Música Latina growing up. Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine drew my attention towards Miami. I couldn’t wait to hear the Cuban rhythms en vivo! Click here to view this post in our July/August digital issue. Click here to view our online issue.

Entertainment, Film, The Issue

Vanessa Ferlito: Taking Graceland by Storm

By Gisel Habibnejad What started off as an acting gig on The Sopranos quickly snowballed into a successful career branching out into other TV shows and movies. Vanessa Ferlito has had the pleasure and privilege of working with talented directors, such as Spike Lee, Quentin Tarantino, Oliver Stone, Lee Daniels, and Sam Raimi. At the moment, she graces the small screen on Graceland, in which she portrays the character of Charlie. Graceland follows the lives of several undercover agents living under one roof, known as “Graceland.” Leading up to the third season (which premiered on June 25th), Charlie has a lot going on for her right now. Between her fallen relationship with her love interest, Paul Briggs (played by Daniel Sunjata) whose child she is pregnant with, and facing the traumatic repercussions from her kidnapping – we can’t wait to see what season 3 has in store for us! We caught up with Vanessa on the new season of Graceland, what it was like working with John Leguizamo and Meryl Streep, and how it all started. MSM: How did you break into the acting world? VF: My first job was on The Sopranos then, two weeks later, I booked the lead of this independent movie called Online. Thankfully, after that I was working nonstop. I have gotten the great opportunity to work with Spike Lee, Quentin Tarantino, Oliver Stone, Lee Daniels, Sam Raimi and have also worked opposite of John Leguizamo. It all happened really fast. MSM: What is the most challenging role you’ve played to date? VF: Probably Charlie – although, I want to say every role comes to mind. Death Proof and Shadowboxer, opposite Helen Mirren, were challenging. Maybe it’s because we’re three seasons in, but Charlie is such a complex character. Playing her and then playing her, undercover, which is playing a different character inside of the character, and also having a relationship in the house. It makes every year more challenging, and I am so thankful for that. When you’re on a TV show, for multiple seasons, you kind of become the person and take her home with you. It’s a long stretch, months at a time, you relocate and your emotions are all over the place. So, maybe because I’m in it right now, I want to say Charlie. MSM: What was it like working with John Leguizamo in Undefeated? VF: Working with John was wonderful. He is a fantastic guy and he’s an actor’s director. He basically let me do whatever I wanted to do. He trusted me 100%. I filmed two movies with him, in Undefeated I played his girlfriend, and in Nothing But the Holidays I played his sister. I’d work with him again in a heartbeat. MSM: How was it working with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams in Julie & Julia? VF: They are both extremely focused women. It was fantastic working with them, they are both lovely. MSM: What can we expect from the third season of Graceland? VF: A lot is revealed. There’s a lot of drama and it’s heartbreaking. You can expect a lot of truth to come out. MSM: How is season 3 different from the previous seasons? VF: It’s different in the sense that it gets a little more personal with the characters when Charlie is pregnant. Whereas, before, there was some personal stuff but this is crazy personal. The house is brought back together. MSM: What does the new season hold for Charlie and Briggs’ relationship? VF: Well, in season 3 we are not together. I can’t say what happens but Charlie is still pregnant. She is still dealing with that and just focusing on her baby and her health and finding (Jermaine) the man who beat her up in the second season. So as far as Briggs goes, it’s on ice for the moment. Ultimately she’s not even sure if she knows who he really is. MSM: How do you prepare for the intense scenes on the show? VF: I kind of just stay to myself, I listen to music, and I try not to goof off too much because that’s what I love to do. I try to think of what makes me sad, but I try not to go too deep into it because I’m scared of some of the thoughts that come up in my head when I have to go to a really dark place. MSM: Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about you? VF: I’m a homebody and I love to couch surf. I love staying home and watching Game of Thrones, that’s what I do. And spend time with my baby. Watch Graceland on the USA Network, Thursdays at 10pm For more information on Graceland, please visit Click here to view this post in the July/August digital issue. Click here to view our online issue.

Luxury, The Issue

Parmigiani Fleurier: A Time for Luxury

PARMIGIANI FLEURIER STUDIO GLITTERS IN THE MIAMI DESIGN DISTRICT. By Gina Samarotto Already teeming with fabulous dining, cutting edge fashion, noteworthy design and architecture, the Miami Design District has a hot, new neighbor to welcome home. With the opening of their fourteenth location worldwide and the debut of their first North American flagship studio, the luxury watch company known as Parmigiani Fleurier has combined everything we love about European-inspired opulence and infused it with the essence of Miami. Guests to the new Studio Parmigiani Miami are welcomed into 1,038 sq ft of pure luxury spread throughout three seductive spaces, each a meticulously planned oasis for chic city shoppers. In addition to the two, well-appointed primary spaces where Parmigiani’s ‘timely’ collections and objects d’art are showcased from within dramatic, wall-mounted vitrines; a third area is secreted towards the rear of the studio where a small lounge enveloped in blue lacquered walls offers sumptuous escape – and a more private setting from which to peruse the design house’s exceptional and exclusive offerings. Since its inception in 1996, the brand has been steadily building a loyal following. These enthusiasts – referred to as ‘friends’ by Parmigiani – comprise an illustrious group of timepiece aficionados including actor Kristin Scott Thomas, famed perfumer Serge Lutens, Viennese opera sensation Clemes Unterreirner and the inimitable Christian LaCroix among their number. Banded together by a shared affection for well-crafted timepieces, Parmigiani’s ‘friends’ glitter as brilliantly as the watches themselves – and given the brand’s breathtaking collections, the affection is well deserved. Of the notable collections from Parmigiani, pieces from the Tonda line are among the best loved and widely recognized. Each individually numbered piece from the Tonda Collection is an elegant interpretation of a style that is – in a word – timeless. Offered in 18kt gold and featuring faces crafted of either Tahitian mother-of-pearl, white mother-of-pearl, grained white facing or dark graphite dials; each Tonda 1950 sports delta-shaped hands and a small second dial at the six o’clock position ensuring its place as a modern classic. The women’s model is adorned with 84 brilliant diamonds totaling 0.6460 carats and both men’s and women’s versions sport the quintessential indulgence of staggeringly gorgeous bands created for Parmigiani by Hermes. Breathing an international, jet setting appeal to the Tonda line is the Hemispheres Collection. Crafted from gleamingsteel, the Tonda Hemisphere Collection boasts features including a date indicator at nine o’clock, a day/night setting along with the small second dial at the six, a second time zone indicator with hour and minute at the twelve o’clock position and a second day/night indicator nestled at half past the one. Parmigiani Fleurier is located at 140 N.E. 39th Street, Miami, FL 33137 For more information, please visit Click here to view this post in the July/August digital issue. Click here to view the online issue.

Luxury, The Issue

Bvlgari: The House That Sotirio Built

FROM A TO B.ZERO1, BVLGARI CONTINUES TO BEGUILE. By Gina Samarotto The history of one of the world’s most illustrious jewelers begins in Paramythia, a small village in the mountains of Greece. It was there, well before the turn of the last century, where a craftsman introduced his young son to the family trade. In this story, the father was a silversmith; the son was Sotirios Voulgaris – later to be known as Sotirio Bulgari – and from those humble, ancestral beginnings the glittering gem that would one day become the House of Bvlgari was born. Since its inception one hundred and thirty-one years ago, the House of Bvlgari has remained passionately committed to impeccable quality. As the new millennium neared, the notable purveyor with the name synonymous with luxury extended its reach by adding exquisite leather goods, fine watches, fragrances and a dappling of five-star hotels to their jewel encrusted portfolio. The result was an even larger constellation of sparkling indulgence and the Bvlgari we know today. With all due respect to Greek roots and the deeply rooted Italian presence Sotirio Bulgari bestowed on his temple of indulgence, today one can’t help but hear a faint whisper of French being spoken within the hallowed halls of the House of Bvlgari. Acquired by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, Bvlgari joined the French luminary’s Watch & Jewelry sector along with Chaumet, Tag Heuer, Zenith, Fred, Hublot, and DeBeers in 2011. Nestled contentedly within LVMH’s proverbial lap of luxury; Bvlgari continues to shine with an inimitable brilliance that captures the attention of the world’s most discerning jewelry aficionados. Bvlgari’s offerings currently include the current B.zero1 Collection, a spectacular assortment of pieces crafted in the brand’s signature ‘tubogas’ style. First used by Bvlgari in the 1940s, the elegantly sinuous tubogas technique involves wrapping strips of precious metal – or ceramics, as is the case with B.zero1 – around a temporary core to create meticulously constructed, strikingly dramatic coils that serve as the backbone of the designs. The statement-making spheres of pink, white and yellow gold contained within the B.zero1 Collection are combined with ceramic and diamonds to create boldly modern rings, bracelets, earrings and necklaces destined to be Bvlgari classics. Also in the current catalog and crafted using the same tubogas technique is Bvlgari’s Serpenti Collection. Serpenti pays, as the name would imply, homage to the serpent – that much loved Bvlgari hallmark used to illustrate wisdom, life, and eternity. With pieces that wrap seductively across the wrist, wind suggestively about the neck, or dangle beguiling from the ear; the diamond and gem laden pieces from the Serpenti Collection are exotic symbols of pure indulgence. While what the House of Bvlgari has for us next remains to be seen, it seems safe to say it promises to be nothing short of sigh-worthy. Sotirio would be pleased. For more information on Bvlgari’s collections, please visit Click here to view this post in the July/August digital issue. Click here to view our online issue.

Culinary, The Issue

Dig into Modern Garden

By Gisel Habibnejad Photography by Alex Markow Walking into Modern Garden, inside Seaspice, one can’t help but feel as if they’ve just stepped into an oasis – a modern version, that is. Large floor-to-ceiling trees, made from wood, expand to the top; and orchids of fuchsia petals line up across the dining booths. Watching diners admire the architecture and unique interior design that went into the permanent art installation, by architect Santiago Jose Palaez, assures the sheer elegance the eatery has successfully accomplished. An extension of the popular Seaspice, the Crudo bar and hot-stone concept are what make up most of the dishes offered by Modern Garden. Located on the Miami River, you can choose to arrive by boat as the restaurant offers a 550ft private dock. Upon arrival, your only worry for the next few hours will be deciding which exquisite items to choose from. We can assure you each dish is equipped with bountiful flavor and delightful notes of zest hitting you from different directions. Start off your night with the delicious Meli Melo. The delectable dish includes tuna, yellowtail, ginger, and crispy pappadum topped with hummus made from edamame. However, the ingredient that takes center stage is the salmon, which sits beneath the hummus. This particular top quality salmon comes from the Faroe Islands located between Iceland and Norway. If this dish sounds familiar to you, it is probably because it was on the Seaspice menu previously – except now with an added twist. A newbie to the menu, Summertime adds the right amount of flavor to Florida native amberjacks with mango puree and watermelon radish in every bite. True to the name, the watermelon pieces add the perfect refreshing element for those hot summer nights. Another new dish racking up the freshness with watermelon radish is the Watermelon Radish Salad, which really lets this special produce stand out as the main ingredient. The homegrown vegetable stars alongside edamame, almond snowflakes, ginger sauce, and wasabi. When an 8500 volcanic stone slab is served at your table, you know this restaurant means business. Housed in an 8500 oven for 24 hours, the stones are used by guests to cook their steak at their own table to their very liking (preferably medium rare). The Spinalis is the most exceptional cut of meat from the cow with clear marbelization to prove it. Just add your desired amount of volcanic salt to get started on your culinary adventure. Perhaps it is the carefully crafted dishes, amazing view of the Miami River bank, or the impeccable service provided that keeps Miamians coming back for more. One thing is for sure – the restaurant serves as the perfect triple treat! Modern Garden is located at 422 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL 33128 For more information or to make reservations, please visit Click here to view this post in the July/August digital issue. Click here to view the online issue.

The Issue, Traveler

Miami International Airport Welcomes American Express Centurion Lounge

By Gisel Habibnejad Photography Courtesy of American Express Do you have a fear of flying? American Express cardholders not only hold a card, they now hold the solution too. Last month, the American Express Centurion Lounge opened at the Miami International Airport. Now, flyers have a place to relax before and in-between flights. Located at the North Terminal near Gate D14, the lounge and all its amenities are complimentary for Amex Platinum and Centurion cardholders. For all other Amex cardholders, a $50 day pass must be purchased. Not too shabby! Upon entrance, guests are instantly greeted with a beautiful backdrop of the Amex signature luscious greenery at the front desk. It is only a few steps away from the Exhale Spa, made-up of 15-minute services such as chair massages, acupuncture, and mini manicures. Beyond that, the lounge area includes a bar, tables with seating, and couches for comfort. But who can forget that breathtaking view of the runway where you can watch airplanes takeoff and land? Across the way, a floor-to-ceiling window playroom for children is available where parents can watch from the lounge area. The bar comes equipped with a bartender who is ready to fix-up signature cocktails, or serve top shelf premium spirits and wines. Guests will also enjoy delicious meals by Miami’s very own chef Michelle Bernstein – so you know you can expect nothing less than top-rated dishes. Among the various options are: sour cream pancakes with candied pecans and caramelized bananas for breakfast; slow braised short rib of beef with natural jus and green faro as an entrée; and banana tres leches with dulce de leche pudding and fresh cream for dessert. Frequent flyers will be pleased to know the menu items rotate often. A conference room and several workspaces are dedicated to the business inclined, where flyers have a quiet area to work and also have access to high-speed Wi-Fi (available throughout the lounge). Personal computers, printers, fax and copy machines, and buffers to filter out the noise are among the other amenities available for use. In addition, guests can freshen up with shower suites and have access to luggage lockers. If that wasn’t enough, Amex concierge services are available to assist with flight information, changes, and future trip planning at your request. The 8,000 sq ft Centurion Lounge really commits to satisfying every need in order to ensure a relaxing atmosphere. You can find other American Express Centurion Lounges in Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, New York’s La Guardia Airport, and San Francisco International Airport. Each location contains artwork specific to the culture found at each destination. As you might’ve guessed, Miami’s is pleasantly decorated with photographs of Latin artists such as Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull. For more information on the American Express Centurion Lounge, please visit Click here to view this post in the July/August digital issue. Click here to view the online issue.

LIFESTYLE, Living, MSM Online, Real Estate, The Issue

Miami Real Estyle – The Miami River District™ – Blueprint for Transformation

By Angela Betancourt The Miami River District is experiencing a renaissance. Within the past several years the area has become the “it” location for businesses and developers eager to set up shop on the banks of the historic Miami River. Luxury residential towers, ambitious commercial developments, retail stores, and pedestrian focused projects are all on the horizon. “The revitalization of the Miami River District closes a complete lifestyle loop by creating a city within a city,” said Horacio Stuart Aguirre, the volunteer Miami River Commission Chairman. Art will also play a role in the renaissance. Aguirre and Brett Bibeau, Managing Director at the Miami River Commission, have shared that the commission is collaborating with the Nina Torres Fine Art Gallery to place monumental sculptures along the river walk before the year ends. All of these projects and developments are just the beginning of the Miami River District’s transformation. There are numerous other businesses and organizations, especially within the boating industry, that have already claimed their spot in one of South Florida’s most flourishing new neighborhoods. There will be no shortage of things to do at the Miami River Commission. For Aguirre, who has lived and worked in the district for years, these are indeed exciting times. “The Renaissance of the Miami River District is a cornerstone of our lives,” he said. TERRAZAS MIAMI Take Terrazas Miami as the perfect example. Located at 1861 NW South River Dr, just west of Sewell Park, Terrazas is on prime real estate. It’s located within minutes from one of the largest health districts in the country, West Downtown, which is an evolving hub for science and bio-tech research. It’s also very close to the Civic Center, the Miami Intermodal Center, and the up-and-coming River Landing Shops and Residences. Taking all of that into consideration, available units at Terrazas Miami currently start at $260,100. “Terrazas’ price per square foot is unbeatable at $320 on average as well as our maintenance fee that’s only $0.55 per sq. ft.; that’s why Terrazas leads South Florida in value with below replacement cost pricing,” said Terrazas Realtor Andrea Trujillo. Perhaps more important than the price, is Terrazas’ ongoing desire to provide its residents with a combination of value, luxury, and convenience. The residences are sleek and modern with porcelain tile flooring throughout, stainless-steel appliances, granite countertops, spacious kitchens, finished closets, expansive terraces, and floor-to-ceiling windows in select units with flowing open living areas. Units also offer city skyline, park, and river views. The lobby and the 20,000 sq.ft elevated pool deck, equipped with two complete BBQ grills and lounge areas, were designed by the award winning Interiors by Steven G. Another one of Terrazas’ highlights is the 200 year old Kapok Tree at the entrance to the building which has been adopted as the company logo. Additional amenities include multiple outdoor lounge areas for socializing, a fully equipped business center, dog park, state of the art fitness center, 24-hour reception desk and onsite security. “Terrazas delivers an instant feeling of wonderful peace and tranquility,” said Trujillo. “All of this, of course, comes with an unmatched additional advantage over pre-construction properties because Terrazas is already 100% built and move-in ready with rapid closings for motivated buyers. Terrazas is a once of-a-lifetime chance to own in Miami’s next hot neighborhood at a smart buy,” she added. Terrazas Miami is located at 1861 NW South River Drive, Miami, FL 33125 For more information on Terrazas Miami, please visit RIVER LANDING SHOPS & RESIDENCES Among one of the latest new projects drawn to the Miami River District is the immense River Landing Shops and Residences. When complete, River Landing will boast 2.2 million square feet of regional open air shopping. The project’s 430,000 sq ft retail complex will be home to 315,000 sq ft of national retailers, 86,000 sq ft of regional and local retailers, and 29,000 sq ft of restaurants on its five levels. “We don’t have any retail here,” explained Aguirre. “This marks the first introduction of retail on the river and in the River District.” The $300 million dollar mix-use project is located at 1400 NW North River Drive, which is situated next to Miami’s Civic Center and Miami-Dade County’s court system. The River Landing Shops & Residences is located at 1400 NW North River Drive, Miami, FL 33125 For more information, please visit MIAMI RIVER GREENWAY Situated directly on the river, River Landing gives shoppers access to the Riverwalk and the developing Miami River Greenway Project; a 10-mile scenic pedestrian friendly pathway linking neighborhoods and businesses along the banks of the Miami River. As of today, more than half of the pathway has already been constructed. Potential residents vying to live in the revamped district and take advantage of the Greenway and all the other exciting developments will have plenty of housing to choose from. And unlike other areas in Miami where a piece of the action often means spending a small fortune, the Miami River District has surprisingly affordable yet still luxurious condominium options. For more information on the Miami River Greenway, please visit FLAGLER ON THE RIVER Indeed, hot neighborhoods almost always attract hot restaurants and the revitalization of the Miami River District is no exception. Duck and Waffle and SUSHISAMBA have both announced their plans to open in “Phase II” of the new Flagler on the River commercial building development project. The building will be located at 40 SW North River Drive; the site of the former East Coast Fisheries. Phase II has received a lot of attention for its unique look. Itec Design, the architectural firm behind the project, designed the building to look like lobster traps used by commercial fisherman. The design’s creativity extends beyond its construction and into the way they made use of the property. “By today’s standards, they are on a tiny piece of land making it quite the challenge to build there. They have come up with a design that is exciting and interesting,” said Aguirre. “We applaud their initiative and we look


Beachwalk Resort by Pininfarina

By Angela Betancourt Photography Courtesy of Beachwalk Resort This spring, Hallandale Beach was cast into the spotlight with the arrival of the stylish new Beachwalk Resort. The new hospitality gem is the first major development in several years and is being credited for spearheading resurgence in the city. Located at 2602 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd, the 33-story $150 million dollar condo-hotel property is the brainchild of Miami mega developers Jorge Pérez and The Related Group. The European-style resort is located right on the Intracoastal Waterway and boasts 300 family friendly suites, of which 216 of them are two bedroom suites that can be divided into separate rooms. Italian design company Pininfarina and architecture firm Cohen Freedman Encinosa, were tapped to bring this project to life. The results were interiors with Italian furnishings, floor to ceiling windows, fully equipped kitchens, and oversized balconies. Original works of art from the Collection of Jorge Pérez, patron of the Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), can also be found in the hotel. Upscale amenities and sophisticated technology such as smart LED televisions, Wi-Fi, and high speed internet are some of the additional offerings. When it comes to activities and recreation, Beachwalk takes things very seriously. The hotel boasts a fitness center, an infinity edge pool overlooking the Intracoastal and complimentary bicycles for city touring. Beyond the hotel’s beauty, service, and amenities another part of the Beachwalk experience is exploring Hallandale Beach and all of the attractions surrounding the city. The hotel provides a convenient and complimentary, electric cart shuttle that transports guests to the Hollywood Beach Boardwalk, Gulfstream Park Racetrack and Casino, and Aventura Mall. For more relaxed fun in the sun, guests also have access to the resort’s Beach Club where they will receive complimentary towels, chairs, and umbrellas. With so much to do it’s not hard to work up an appetite and the Beachwalk has made sure to give guests savory dining choices. The Beachwalk Bistro & Market, serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily, is one of several feasting options. At this particular eatery, menu items include Cumin Dusted Chicken Burger with Anaheim chili, jack cheese and cilantro mayo on toasted whole wheat bun; and Green Chili Seafood Enchiladas served with Roasted Corn and Black Beans Salsa. The resort’s Beachwalk Bar features crafted cocktails and locally brewed beers among other libations. The Pool Grill offers guests perfect poolside treats including grilled skewers such as their Chorizo and Picked Jalapeno Skewers with an avocado ginger cream and many other savory options. When time is of the essence, the resort’s Marketplace within the Beachwalk Bistro, prepares delicious quick grab and go options throughout the day. If cooking is your preference, Beachwalk provides a grocery delivery service. Per the guest’srequest, the hotel will go grocery shopping for you (at guest expense) and deliver the items to your kitchen before you arrive. To ensure guest satisfaction and smooth hotel operations, The Related Group partnered with Gemstones Hotels & Resorts, a full-service hotel management company based in Park City, Utah to oversee the property. Gemstone is calling it “your suburban utopia” but for the city, Beachwalk is so much more; it’s the start of a new Hallandale Beach. Beachwalk Resort is located at 2602 E Hallandale Beach Blvd, Hallandale Beach, FL 33009 For more information or to make reservations, please visit Click here to view this post in the July/August digital issue. Click here to view the online issue.

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