By Gisel Habibnejad
Oftentimes, there comes a point when you have to make the most important decision of your life–to proceed with your unconventional ambitions or pursue a life in the rat race. PROJECT NM helps local millennial women who crave an unconventional lifestyle and have a love for fashion but don’t know where to begin.

As an online platform for female entrepreneurs to encourage others in the same path, PROJECT NM builds you up and provides a space of encouragement as you make your own decisions and take the steps needed to accomplish your goals. Fashion is a centralized point of the brand, where women can find a deeper connection through a more common ground. “It’s pretty amazing what can happen when women support each other,” shares founder and CEO Nicole Gonzalez.
When Nicole found herself in the same situation many of us find ourselves in, she suddenly wished there was somewhere she could go to find the answers. And just like, that the first of its kind in Miami was born. “Being an entrepreneur is sometimes a lonely journey. It’s hard to find people who believe in what you believe in and see that there’s more to life than the ordinary,” she recalls.
Nicole had the revelation when she joined the 9-to-5 workforces but realized she wasn’t happy and wanted to find her own version of freedom, “I wanted to create my own reality and live out my greatness.” Presently, she enjoys working on a daily basis towards her ultimate goals fueled by endless passion.
What’s unique about the brand is Nicole is taking the journey with you. As she continues to develop the company, you’re right there with her completing yours. Daily tips, advice, and words of encouragement can be found on PROJECT NM’s website and Instagram page.
The brand launched in November but had already begun creating a buzz in the social media circles through its Instagram account. With posts motivating users to pursue their goals day-by-day, along with merchandise modeled by local and national bloggers who all rave about the brand’s system. T-shirts designed by PROJECT NM are released monthly with the hopes of inspiring and encouraging women as it allows them to carry their motivation with them everywhere they go. Their first shirt displayed the word “entrepreneur” on it and was a big hit.
At times, entrepreneurs (especially women) find themselves in a constant struggle with rejection and doors closing. Within this negativity, it can become easy to lose sight of the finish line and even yourself. PROJECT NM supports the balance of a social life and business realm by encouraging strong friendships, supportive relationships, and accomplishing a passionate work life.

The personable experience introduces the concept to subscribers with weekly emails allowing readers to get to know Nicole and PROJECT NM.
As for PROJECT NM’S future, they are currently in the process of designing other merchandise, which includes home décor and pieces for your creative space.
In addition, they are developing a helpful source known as the “little black book” concept where local contacts will be stored for your use and are encouraged to build relationships, free of cost. You’ll never feel stuck and held back from moving forward when you have them right at your fingertips.
Down the road, they plan to create local workshops and events to help celebrate, encourage, and connect millennial female entrepreneurs.
The company shows potential in creating lifelong friendships and business relationships amongst women with one common goal–to grow and develop their visions. Simply put, PROJECT NM is the motivational speaker you need at a relatable pace and at a reachable distance. It’s that best friend who never stops believing in you, the proud mama who continues to push you, and the coworker who motivates you. You’re not alone in this journey when you have your PROJECT NM tribe. “My mission is to empower the PROJECT NM tribe to realize they CAN and WILL live the lives they’ve always imagined if they believe in their own potential and take that step.”
Join the PROJECT NM tribe by following @shop_projectnm on Instagram & join their mailing list by visiting their website
Click here to view this post in the MSM January/February 2016 digital issue
Love this article! This is definitely one of those “feel good” pieces! I will be looking more into PROJECT NM.