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Day of Indulgence: Celebrating Bal Harbour Shops’ 50th Anniversary

By Gisel Habibnejad Photography by World Red Eye Bal Harbour became a fashion staple in Miami when it first opened in 1965. Ever since, Miamians of the last half century have flocked to buy the latest fashion trends and classic pieces—many of which have remained in our wardrobe all these years. Bal Harbour Shops houses 100 designer boutiques and two of the most luxurious department stores: Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue. The open-air shopping space was officially recognized by the world in 2012 when it topped “the list as the world’s most productive shopping center, based on sales per square foot, according to data compiled by the International Council of Shopping Centers.” Under the care of the Whitman Family, three generations have remained at the forefront of Miami’s premier and luxury retail space.  In efforts to celebrate its big 50, Bal Harbour Shops gifted Miami’s elite with a Day of Indulgence. Guests enjoyed lunch and a day filled with personalized pampering, such as makeup sessions with GLAMSQUAD; a brow treatment, false lash application or a mini oxygen blast with GEE Beauty; and acupuncture ear bead treatments with Dr. Ronel Corbin. On the fashion spectrum, a garment fitting with Phat Buddha’s designer Alissa Benishai; a handmade hat from Eugenia Kim; and Miu Miu sunglasses fitted by Designer Eyes. Lastly, guests received personalized photos courtesy of Photo&Go, an exclusive bracelet by Chanel Bal Harbour Shops, and a personalized gift bag. Big Bag Theory provided the leather pouch turned tote which served as the gift bag for guests. Inside, attendees found a candle from Dyptique, an oxygen facial from GEE Beauty, a leather pouch with surprise inside by VINCE, $200 store credit from Sara Colombo Nest Casa, gift card for four pints of customized ice cream from eCreamery (they also personalized Stanley Whitman’s favorite flavor for his 97th birthday!), apparel by Wildfox, five fitness classes to FlyWheel, a fitness class to Barry’s Bootcamp, movies passes to Ipic, and many others. Notable attendees included: Blaine Trump, Gigi Whitman, Sarah Harrelson (Editor in Chief of Bal Harbour Magazine), Cheryl Stephenson (Marketing Director of Bal Harbour Shops), Chef Ingrid Hoffman, Susie Wahab, Pablo De Ritis (Executive Vice President of FAENA Rose), Silvia Cubina (of Bass Museum of Arts), Ana Hughes (of Vogue Mexico), Lisa Petrillo (CBS Reporter), Renee Bargh (of EXTRA), and Oribe Canales. For more information, please visit: